速報APP / 通訊 / Wavephone Dialer

Wavephone Dialer





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:1 Fullerton Road #02-01, One Fullerton 49213, Singapore

Wavephone Dialer(圖1)-速報App

Wavephone Dialer is the softphone component of Wavephone Home. Download this app only if you have a Wavephone Home installed in your premises.

It used to be, you'd get a call on your landline, and you'd have to stop whatever you were doing in order to answer it. But these days, we're all so preoccupied on our mobile devices, the thought of having to answer the landline honestly feels like a bit of a hassle.

Say hello to the future and let your mobile device seamlessly transform into your landline!

With Wavephone Dialer, you can make and receive landline calls, start a conference call with ease, and do much more. All without ever having to let go of your mobile device.

Time to say goodbye to using your home's landline the old fashioned way, because Wavephone Dialer simply makes things easier.

Call Features:

• Inbound and outbound landline calls

• Call hold

• Call transfer

Wavephone Dialer(圖2)-速報App

• Call conferencing

• Call forwarding

• Call recording

Other features

• Number rewriting

• RFC-compliant

• DTMF support

• Localized to 15 languages

Visit us at http://www.wavephonehome.com

Wavephone Dialer(圖3)-速報App

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Wavephone Dialer(圖4)-速報App